透過藝術和行動將愛與光融入乳癌意識,與茹曦酒店及 The Tutu Project 一同點亮台北,“綻放粉紅光芒”!
1/12,不是一組單純的數字,而是在你我身邊,最真實的日常。 台灣女性每 12 人就有 1 人高機率罹患乳癌,但如果能及早檢測、及早治療, 5 年存活率可高達 90% 。
今年十月,我們將與 The Tutu Project 攜手合作,舉辦為期一個月的「綻放粉紅光芒」活動,透過藝術、時尚和行動,喚起大眾對乳癌防治的關注。讓我們共同參與,點亮台北,傳遞希望與力量!
「綻放粉紅光芒」是茹曦酒店與 The Tutu Project 攜手合作的創舉,將藝術、時尚與社會意識融合為期一個月的希望與韌性慶典。這項獨特的活動將於十月舉行,目的是喚起大眾對乳癌防治的關注,同時透過社群活動提高網路關注。
藝術裝置散發柔和光芒,彷彿心跳般脈動。粉紅芭蕾舞裙裝飾提醒著參觀者 Bob Carey 的真心,以及定期檢查和及早發現對乳癌防治的重要性,將藝術轉化為提升健康意識的有力展現。
這個互動式燈光裝置創造了完美的拍照機會。捕捉您的「綻放粉紅光芒」時刻,在 Instagram 上分享並加上我們的 hashtag #pinkillumination,就有機會贏得獨家 The Tutu Project 禮品或 Sunny Buffet 免費晚餐。創造回憶,傳播健康觀念!
pink with us
「Tutu Project」即將於10月17日至10月27日的亞洲巡演帶來一次與藝術、希望和社群連結的獨特機會,並展示其限量的亞洲巡演專屬商品。這次活動旨在慶祝芭蕾舞裙的藝術,這是一個象徵轉變、脆弱和希望的符號。最初,Bob 創作這個芭蕾舞裙造型時並未賦予其深刻的意義,但隨著時間的推移,它逐漸演變成一個強大的隱喻,代表他在面對新環境中恐懼和不安時如何找到突破自我脆弱的勇氣。對他來說,穿著芭蕾舞裙拍攝自己,不僅帶來幽默和希望,也成為幫助其妻子對抗乳腺癌的精神支柱,進而鼓舞了許多同樣經歷艱難情緒的人們將困難轉化為積極力量。
這次亞洲巡演不僅將展示限量商品,還將邀請多位藝術家以他們自己的創作方式重新詮釋芭蕾舞裙。屆時,藝術家們將圍繞愛、希望、脆弱、面對恐懼以及親人病痛等主題進行創作,這些主題與 Bob 的作品理念相呼應,但每位藝術家將運用自己的經歷來賦予芭蕾舞裙新的意義。這一符號,最初沒有特定的象徵意義,將通過每位藝術家的獨特視角,轉變為深刻而富有創意的表現。
The tutu in The Tutu Project didn’t initially stand for anything specific—it wasn't originally meant to have deep meaning. Instead, it became a symbol of transformation and vulnerability. When Bob moved to NYC, he was in an unfamiliar environment, facing fears and uncertainty. Wearing the tutu and photographing himself was a way to push through that discomfort and embrace vulnerability through art. He had no idea where this would lead, but it became a powerful expression of facing fears head-on. Bob’s journey in the tutu became the driving force, bringing humor and hope to his wife and to breast cancer patients while helping others transform difficult emotions into something positive.
The gathering will invite artists to explore and share how they would incorporate the tutu—or its shape and form—into their chosen medium, expressing themes like love, hope, facing fears, vulnerability, an illness of a loved one; similar themes in Bob’s work but using their own experiences. The idea is to take this symbol, which originally had no specific meaning, and reimagine it in their own creative ways. The goal is to demonstrate that the tutu, like any symbol, can be transformed into something deeply meaningful through each artist’s unique vision.
“The tutu is a metaphor for a lifeboat.”
I took this image when I was in Taipei to speak at the 2024 TEDxXinyi event. The hotel believes in what we’re doing for the breast cancer community, generous in sponsoring my stay in Taipei and so kind in helping me find the perfect spot to take the photo. I love the graphic beauty of the architecture, which is what attracted me to this location. The floors behind me make the perfect backdrop.
This image was inspired by a pro bono project I shot for Ballet Arizona. They asked artists to photographically interpret the meaning of ballet. I had never been to a ballet before and was clueless as to the difference between a plié or a pas de poisson. My stepmother made the pink tutu for me with the help of my wife Linda and an assistant, who was wielding a razor because for these images, I shaved my body and painted it shiny silver. It was a look in a series of black-and-white self-portraits I had worked on for nine years. The photograph was complete as I bowed to an imaginary audience. At the time I had no idea of where this pink tutu would take me.
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